LuxembourgLast updated: janvier 17th, 2024


Droits de santé des migrants

Demandeurs d’asile Have access to health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.

Réfugiés: Beneficiaries of international protection will have access to social benefits, housing, education and health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.

Migrants sans papiers: Have the right to access emergency care, provided they are affiliated with insurance via employment or privately.

Dépistage et traitement du VIH

Dépistage VIH/SIDA: Confidential and free in certain places. Use the European test finder pour voir où vous pouvez vous faire tester pour le VIH.

Traitement: Free for all who possess health insurance. For those who do not, special help may be given by the Health Ministry.

Trouver de l’aide

  • Cigale LGBTIQ+ Centre

    Within the framework of government policy on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, the work of the LGBTIQ+ Centre CIGALE is divided into four pillars:

    • Support and accompany
    • Educate and inform
    • Build and empower
    • Think and share

    Our services are aimed at members of the LGBTIQ+(lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer+) community, their families and friends, and anyone interested in sexual and gender diversity issues.

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L'injustice n'importe où est une menace pour la justice partoutDr. Martin Luther King Jr

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