LithuaniaHIV and other STDs testing, prevention, diagnostics, integration to healthcare, advocacy and policy
HIV and other STDs testing, prevention, diagnostics, integration to healthcare, advocacy and policy
The Center for Integration of Foreigners (CIC), o.p.s., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting migrants in their integration into Czech society. Since 2003, CIC has been providing essential services such as social counseling, Czech language courses, and volunteer programs. Our mission is to help foreigners navigate life in the Czech Republic and foster a more inclusive society.
The Working Group on HIV Treatments (gTt-VIH) is a non-profit association, legally established in Barcelona in February 1997. In June 2002, gTt-VIH was officially declared a Public Utility Entity and, in December 2005, it was registered as a Non-Governmental Development Organization in International Cooperation. Since April 2018, gTt-VIH has a delegation in the city of Madrid with which it contributes to the response to HIV and STIs in the Community of Madrid.
Our mission: to disseminate scientific knowledge and clinical and pharmacological management of HIV, STIs and viral hepatitis among people living with these diseases and those susceptible to acquiring them, through educational activities, individual care and support, and political participation and advocacy, so that these people can increase control over their health and improve their quality of life. To disseminate scientific knowledge and clinical and pharmacological management of HIV, STIs and viral hepatitis among people living with these diseases and those susceptible to acquiring them, through educational activities, individual care and support and political participation and advocacy so that these people can increase control over their health and improve their quality of life.
Stop was founded in 1986 as a grassroots community association (under the name Gais per la Salut), with the aim of responding to the devastating impact of HIV on the homosexual community, before the administrations themselves did so.
We work for sexual health from and for the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual (LGBT+) community and trans men and women who engage in sex work.
We train lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual and transgender volunteers and workers.
We are committed to improving sexual health care and creating conditions, on a universal scale, that enable the expression of one’s sexuality without discrimination. We work for the elimination of inequalities and for the recognition and protection of the right to experience sexual orientation and gender identity of people and their diversity, based on development cooperation (for example with information, training and empowerment projects of the LGTB+ community in Latin America), humanitarian action, education and social mobilization.
Blue Door Education (VO/2165) is a voluntary organisation (registered NGO) based in Valletta, Malta. Our team of dedicated and passionate volunteers provides free literacy, language and lifeskill classes, both in person and online, for adult refugees and asylum seekers, and adult migrants with a social worker referral. Education enables upward social mobility, and each additional skill can mean higher income, leading to better access to nutritious food, sanitation, healthcare and accommodation. The hands-on linguistic first aid and practical skills courses we provide help refugees and asylum seekers rebuild their lives in their new host country.
Salud Entre Culturas (SEC) is a multidisciplinary public health and migration team.
Hiv-Danmark is the national patient organisation for people living with HIV and their relatives independently of race, ethnic origin, religious or sexual orientation.
Our goal is to to support HIV-positive people to live the best possible lives with their diagnosis and to take responsibility for own lives.
We support by
– support the individual to find own resources
– motivate to an active and social life
– strengthen and increase personal networks
– fight prejudice and work for openness through security and knowledge
– secure the human and legal rights for people living with HIV
– prevent discrimination
– reduce prevalence through information
– promote physical, mental, social and sexual well-being
– inform on specific HIV-related health problems
– exchange experiences among HIV-positive people and with other organisations in the HIV community
We run a café at the center of Copenhagen, Kafé Knud, where everybody meet for food, info, peer-to-peer education, social arrangements and meetings for self-help groups.
The Plateforme Prévention Sida is a community health promotion organization which provide different sexual health services focused on HIV and STI. Some examples of our services are free HIV and STI testing, free delivering of prevention tools (condoms, flyers), training activities, HIV and STI campaigns, support of people living with HIV (PLWHIV), etc. Target groups: migrants-young people-general population
Provides support for people living with HIV and their partners, friends and anyone they consider family. The Movement’s CBVCT Centre, “Cy Checkpoint”, offers anonymous, free and rapid HIV/Syphilis testing, counseling, information and linkage to care to Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, LGBTI+ people, sex workers and the general population.
Campaigns for the dignity and rights of people who seek refuge in Switzerland because of political or existential need.
CRIG undertakes relief efforts for orphans, vulnerable children, and handicap children, and provides medical assistance to needy children. CRIG also assists in paying school fees and school materials for children, and counsels parents on child rights.
Supports projects and activities of self-help in predominantly rural areas in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and other regions of the world.
A blog community that debates some of the salient issues facing immigrants and minorities in Finland and elsewhere. Serves as a voice for those whose views and situation are understood poorly and heard faintly by the media, politicians and public.
With a specialist team of therapists, doctors and legal experts, the Helen Bamber Foundation provides care to survivors of human trafficking. This includes therapeutic care, medical consultation, legal protection, counter-trafficking support and practical support (welfare and community integration work).
Provides a platform for refugees and migrants to talk about various issues that affect them and organise for power, dignity and justice to enable meaningful inclusion and integration. Also provides advice and support for individuals affected by the hostile environment immigration policies.
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