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CRIG undertakes relief efforts for orphans, vulnerable children, and handicap children, and provides medical assistance to needy children. CRIG also assists in paying school fees and school materials for children, and counsels parents on child rights.


Supports projects and activities of self-help in predominantly rural areas in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and other regions of the world.

Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland

As an umbrella organisation, the ZWST represents the Jewish communities and regional associations in the field of Jewish social work. The ZWST makes the participation and empowerment of marginalised groups within the Jewish community its core task.

Afrikaherz, VIA-Regionalverband Berlin/Brandenburg e.V.

Lobby organisation for political and civil society actors that supports migrants and their families, and aims to promote intercultural integration.

Fixpunkt e.V.

Fixpunkt eV is the sponsor of health promotion and addiction aid projects with a focus on “infection prophylaxis”. Areas of work are the operation of syringe machines, low-threshold mobile social work and medical support to reduce harm and infection prophylaxis in the context of drug consumption, medically supervised drug consumption, dental prophylaxis and the promotion of self-organization by drug users.

Haus Afrika e.V.

Promotes cultural exchange between Africa and Germany and builds a bridge between everyone who is interested in the continent of Africa, its people and its cultures.

Youth without borders (Jugendliche Ohne Grenzen)

Youth without Borders (JOG) is a German-wide association of young refugees founded in 2005.

KOK German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings

KOK brings together most specialised counselling centres in Germany working with victims of trafficking in human beings. KOK works in particular with female migrants.

DAFA e.V-Deutsch-Afrikanischer Frauenaustausch

DAFA is active in Germany with a focus on integrating women with African roots and promoting the exchange between women in Germany and women of African descent. They mainly support single women

Münchner Flüchtlingsrat (Munich Refugee Council)

The Munich Refugee Council has been working for the rights of refugees and migrants in Munich and beyond.

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