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Generation for Change CY (GFC)

Generation for Change CY (GFC) is a migrant-led grassroots non-profit organization comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds, united in their mission to foster a diverse and inclusive society where everyone has equitable access to opportunities in Cyprus. GFC is dedicated to driving positive social change by supporting, empowering, and advocating for vulnerable and marginalized communities, including but not limited to individuals of low socioeconomic status, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, and anyone facing discrimination.

GFC provides material assistance to disadvantaged individuals and families and implements projects to integrate and empower these groups. These initiatives include language learning, vocational education and training, psychosocial and well-being support, and sports programs for both adults and children. Additionally, GFC organizes advocacy campaigns, social initiatives, and cultural projects to raise awareness of social issues and promote intercultural exchange.

AIDS Solidarity Movement

Provides support for people living with HIV and their partners, friends and anyone they consider family. The Movement’s CBVCT Centre, “Cy Checkpoint”, offers anonymous, free and rapid HIV/Syphilis testing, counseling, information and linkage to care to Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, LGBTI+ people, sex workers and the general population.

Caritas Cyprus

Provides support and information for migrants in need to access their legal rights and basic needs.

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