Healthcare rights of migrants
Asylum seekers: Asylum seekers are entitled to register with a general doctor. Free hospital treatment is not generally available to asylum seekers who are not on Section 95 or Section 4 support. Hospital doctors should not refuse treatment that is urgently needed for refused asylum seekers, but the hospital is required to charge for it. In Scotland all asylum seekers are entitled to free comprehensive healthcare, including refused asylum seekers not on Section 4 support and including their spouse/civil partner and any dependent children.
Refugees: All refugees with an active application or appeal are fully entitled to free NHS care. This includes primary care, secondary care and emergency care. Refused refugees are not entitled to secondary care, unless it is considered necessary or urgent.Have access to health insurance, similarly to nationals.
Undocumented migrants: General practitioner and primary care services are free of charge for anyone in England. Through the NHS, undocumented migrants can benefit from emergency care as well as care for certain infectious diseases with public health hazards. However, they have to prove their ability to pay. The cost can either be covered by the patient or taken out of the hospital’s budget. They can obtain free diagnosis and treatment of certain contagious diseases, such as TB and HIV, as well as sexually transmitted infections. Undocumented migrants with HIV or AIDS may be admitted to hospital if critically ill and in immediate danger, but they will not be eligible for further services after discharge.
Free treatment for migrants regardless of immigration status is provided for any physical or mental condition that is a direct result of torture, female genital mutilation (FGM), domestic violence or sexual violence (as long as you have not travelled to the UK for the purpose of seeking this treatment). This includes all ongoing treatment and psychological help that is needed as a direct result of the violence, FGM or torture.
HIV testing and treatment
Testing: Free and confidential for all, although in practice testing tends to be limited for those in prison. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.
Treatment: Free for all, although access is limited for migrants and those in prison.
Find Help
Helen Bamber Foundation
With a specialist team of therapists, doctors and legal experts, the Helen Bamber Foundation provides care to survivors of human trafficking. This includes therapeutic care, medical consultation, legal protection, counter-trafficking support and practical support (welfare and community integration work).
- +44 203 0582 020
Migrants Organise
Provides a platform for refugees and migrants to talk about various issues that affect them and organise for power, dignity and justice to enable meaningful inclusion and integration. Also provides advice and support for individuals affected by the hostile environment immigration policies.
- +44 208 9644 815
Bart’s Health NHS Trust
Provides healthcare services to people living in South East London. Find services offered here.
BHA for Equality
Provides information and advice to BME communities, young people and gay and bisexual men on sexual health as well as HIV prevention and treatment.
- +44 113 2449 767
South West London Law Centres
Provides free and independent legal advice on social justice issues, including housing, employment, debt, benefits and asylum to people in the South West London area.
- +44 208 7672 777
Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
Free and confidential immigration advice, and advice on housing and welfare benefits.
- +44 208 6940 323
Voices in Exile
Supports refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants with no recourse to public funds in East and West Sussex and Surrey. They offer practical and legal support, accompany and enable people to access services, and help them build skills necessary to integrate in the UK.
- +44 127 3328 598
Migrant Voice
Training, campaigning and serving as a voice for migrants’ needs and concerns.
- +44 207 8325 824
City of Sanctuary
Works in close partnership with major refugee organisations to support advocacy and campaigning initiatives.
- +44 113 8800 002
Exiled Writers Ink
Supports the work of exiled writers, refugees, and migrants through publishing opportunities, creative employment, performances and workshops.
- +44 208 4581 910
We Belong
We Belong is a migrant youth-led organisation, campaigning for the rights of young migrants. They also provide advice, support and training for young change makers to affect change in society.
- +44 208 0594 778
The Maya Centre
Provides free counselling services for women who have experienced mental health issues, trauma and gender -based violence, including domestic violence, physical abuse or childhood sexual abuse and harmful traditional practices.
- +44 207 2818 970
Ubuntu Counselling Services Ltd
Offers Multicultural Counselling, practical support and education for all communities across Devon and wider population. Services can be offered in a person’s mother tongue.
- +44 139 2201 572; 139 2848 741
Provides psychotherapy and support to the survivors of persecution and exile living in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
- +44 789 9304 905
Room to Heal
Offers long-term support, practical and therapeutic, to people who have experienced torture and organised violence to rebuild their lives in exile.
- +44 751 5461 745
Vietnamese Mental Health Services
Provides services to people from Vietnam with mental health difficulties and their families living in the UK.
- +44 207 2340 601
Black & Asian Therapists Network (BAATN)
Supports people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean and are affected by oppression due to the colour of their skin. They provide therapy and therapy education, along with psychotherapy training.
Offers psychotherapy and counselling services in over 20 languages to people from diverse religious, cultural and ethnic communities in London.
- +44 207 2636 947
Positive Action For Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS)
Supports asylum seekers who are destitute or at risk of destitution, have no access to housing or benefits and are not allowed to work. They provide emergency crisis intervention, immigration advice, and mental health support.
- +44 113 2622 163
Unseen UK
Offers safe houses for up to 10 women who are survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. Survivors stay for an average of 90 days and are provided with ongoing medical care and treatment, trauma counselling, legal advice and assistance, financial assistance, etc.
- +44 303 0402 888
Breaking Barriers
Helps refugees in London acquire the knowledge, confidence and experience to get stable, fulfilling employment.
- +44 204 5410 155
NEWway Project
Offers support to those who are homeless or vulnerably housed.
- +44 749 0983 777
West London Welcome
Supports migrants in Waltham Forest and promotes their integration in the UK. Also works on challenging negative stereotypes that are associated with migrants in political and media discourse.
- +44 749 6394 175
Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network
Supports refugees and asylum seekers in Leeds facing hardships of any kind. Also raises awareness on issues that they face.
- +44 113 3731 759
Unity Centre Glasgow
Gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland. They also support anyone detained in any UK Detention Centres.
- +44 141 4277 992
Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)
Supports refugees and asylum seekers in Kent through education and independent living skills, advocacy work and awareness campaigns.
- +44 122 7634 320
The Congolese Association of Merseyside (CAM)
Addresses the social dilemma of marginalized communities (French speaking refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants) facing social exclusion due to language barriers.
- +44 151 3456 913
Migrant Help UK
Offers help and support to asylum seekers, refugees and victims of slavery and human trafficking.
- +44 130 4203 977 / 0808 8010 503
Oasis Cardiff
Helps refugees and asylum seekers to integrate within their local community.
- +44 292 0460 424
Africa Advocacy Foundation
Community-led organisation equipping diaspora and marginalised communities with the tools and resources to find health and prosperity.
- +44 208 6984 473
Healthwatch Southwark
Help Southwark residents to access health and social care services based on their needs and experiences.
- +44 207 3587 005
Refugee Survival Trust
Provides practical support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers.
- +44 141 3535 602
Social Workers Without Borders
Undertakes Best Interests and Human Rights Assessments where individuals face detention, removal or deportation. They also support people in the asylum process, or who have irregular immigration status, to access the services they need.
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
Offers practical advice, information, support and friendship, and also campaign on issues affecting refugees and asylum seekers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
- +44 115 9601 230
Doctors of the World UK
Free and confidential help to access healthcare.
- +44 808 1647 686 / 207 1675 789
Maternity Care Access Advice Service
Advice service for migrant women seeking maternity care through the NHS.
- +44 207 2516 189
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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.