Healthcare rights of migrants
Asylum seekers: Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection are required to register with the National Health Service and enjoy equal treatment with Italian citizens through insurance provided by the NHS. This includes those out of reception. Medical assistance is extended to each regularly resident family member under the applicant’s care in Italy and is recognised for newborn babies of parents registered with the National Health System. The right to medical assistance should not expire in the process of the renewal of the permit of stay. However, asylum seekers with an expired permit of stay have no guarantee of access to non-urgent sanitary treatments.
Refugees: Are entitled to free healthcare and can enjoy the same benefits as nationals.
Undocumented migrants: Can apply to a local national health service office for a temporary (six-month) health card. Through this health card they are entitled to urgent care, essential care, preventive care including maternity care and the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
HIV testing and treatment
Testing: Free in certain places. Private laboratories charge a fee and certain hospitals may require co-payments. Tests are anonymous. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.
Treatment: Free for all, although treatment is low and not available for those in who and when to treat. Undocumented people may sometimes be excluded.
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LHIVE Diritti e Prevenzione
LHIVE Diritti e prevenzione, formerly the Italian League for the Fight against AIDS (LILA) – Catania, was established on 27th of May 1991, on the initaitive of some healthcare professionals. LHIVE Diritti e prevenzione promotes and defends the right to health, organizes campaigns to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections, works to affirm principles and relationships of solidarity, fight against all forms of violation of human, civil and citizenship rights of people living with HIV infection (PLWHA) and all vulnerable groups (young people, women, sex workers, drug abusers, inmates, migrants) also by building human and social integration services.
Specific aims of LHIVE are to:
- defend the rights of PLWHA and vulernable and marginalised people
- bring out their needs and make them visible, try to provide the first aid and stimulate institutions to take charge of them
- develop and manage pilot experiences to defend the rights of PLWHA and vulnerable people
- plan and manage pilot experiences for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections among vulnerable people and in the general population
- plan and manage pilot experiences to improve adherence to therapist of PLWHA
- reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections
- promote physical and mental health in fragile groups
Within the Association there are the following work groups:
- Group of HIV, sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections
- Group on development of projects and training courses
- “Group Africa” to coordinate support activities for migrants living in Sicily and activities to fight AIDS in Zimbabwe
- “Gruppo Antartide” to address issues relating to drug use and drug abuse
Voluntary services carried out with own funds:
- Reception service: on-site meetings with LHIVE operators
- Telephone help line: consultancy and territorial observation activities
- Medical-psychological counseling: individual, couple or family interviews at the headquarters
- Self-help groups for PLWHA
- Salivary test for the diagnosis of HIV infection and Hepatitis C
- Legal advices
- Social Secretariat to provide assistance aimed at obtaining disability pension
- Information/training activities, addressed to young people, teachers, students, nurses, psychologists, social workers, physicians, educators, migrants, sex workers, drug users, inmates
- Internal training (members, volunteers, LHIVE operators)
Activities carried out and/or supported in Zimbabwe with own funds:
- Progetto “Susy Costanzo” – Diamo vite all’Africa. The project aims to raise funds to support the activities of Luisa Guidotti hospital based in Mutoko, Zimbabwe, in particular to provide free services to destitute people living in villages. The project also provides for the periodic dispatch of health personnel. The project started in 2004 and is still on going.
Funded projects in progress:
- Progetto “Promoting access to sexual and reproductive health to survivors of SGBV and reducing risks” rivolto alle persone migranti. UNHCR 2017/2025
- Progetto “Mi-Health HIV Partnership – a community-led initiative to address the gaps in the HIV cascade of care amongst key migrant communities.” Africa Advocacy Foundation. 2022/2025.
National campaign against the administrative detention of migrants. Started in 2011.
- +39 1304 203 977 / 8088 010 503
Mediterranean Hope – Migrant and refugee program of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy:
MH accompanies asylum seekers on their path of insertion into Italian society.
- +39 3347 656 214
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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.