BélgicaLast updated: Junho 20th, 2024


Healthcare rights of migrants

Asylum seekers: Are entitled to primary health care. For advanced services, a minimal fee must be paid. Healthcare is covered either by Fedasil or the local OCMW/CPAS where asylum seekers reside. Asylum seekers are exempt from franchise patient fees, unless they receive financial allowance or earn a professional income. Rejected asylum seekers can have their healthcare costs covered by their reception centers. For those that are no longer entitled to reception, urgent medical assistance is still accessible and covered by their local OCMW/CPAS.

Refugiados After registering through the Belgian health insurance organization, refugees can access healthcare at the same level as Belgian nationals.

Migrantes indocumentados Cannot affiliate with a sickness fund. However, they can contact the Public Centre for Social Action (CPAS) of their municipality to access healthcare via a procedure called Urgent Medical Aid (UMA). The UMA in principle covers preventive healthcare as well as treatment and therapy for illnesses that are considered curable. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Testing is free and anonymous at 3 sexual health centers (Antwerp, Brussels and Liege) and at community-based organisations. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Treatment is free for some. Undocumented persons may be refused medication in some cases. For more information on where to obtain treatment, see hivtravel.org.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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