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Reino Unido

Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Asylum seekers are entitled to register with a general doctor. Free hospital treatment is not generally available to asylum seekers who are not on Section 95 or Section 4 support. Hospital doctors should not refuse treatment that is urgently needed for refused asylum seekers, but the hospital is required to charge for it. In Scotland all asylum seekers are entitled to free comprehensive healthcare, including refused asylum seekers not on Section 4 support and including their spouse/civil partner and any dependent children.

Refugiados All refugees with an active application or appeal are fully entitled to free NHS care. This includes primary care, secondary care and emergency care. Refused refugees are not entitled to secondary care, unless it is considered necessary or urgent.Have access to health insurance, similarly to nationals. 

Migrantes indocumentados General practitioner and primary care services are free of charge for anyone in England. Through the NHS, undocumented migrants can benefit from emergency care as well as care for certain infectious diseases with public health hazards. However, they have to prove their ability to pay. The cost can either be covered by the patient or taken out of the hospital’s budget. They can obtain free diagnosis and treatment of certain contagious diseases, such as TB and HIV, as well as sexually transmitted infections. Undocumented migrants with HIV or AIDS may be admitted to hospital if critically ill and in immediate danger, but they will not be eligible for further services after discharge.

Free treatment for migrants regardless of immigration status is provided for any physical or mental condition that is a direct result of torture, female genital mutilation (FGM), domestic violence or sexual violence (as long as you have not travelled to the UK for the purpose of seeking this treatment). This includes all ongoing treatment and psychological help that is needed as a direct result of the violence, FGM or torture.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free and confidential for all, although in practice testing tends to be limited for those in prison. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV.

Tratamento: Free for all, although access is limited for migrants and those in prison.

Procure apoio

  • Helen Bamber Foundation

    Com uma equipe especializada de terapeutas, médicos e juristas, a Helen Bamber Foundation presta assistência a sobreviventes de tráfico humano. Isso inclui cuidados terapêuticos, consulta médica, proteção legal, apoio ao combate ao tráfico e apoio prático (trabalho de assistência social e integração comunitária). 

  • Migrants Organise

    Fornece uma plataforma para refugiados e migrantes falarem sobre várias questões que os afetam e se organizarem por poder, dignidade e justiça para permitir inclusão e integração significativas. Também fornece aconselhamento e suporte para indivíduos afetados pelas políticas de imigração de ambiente hostil.

  • Bart’s Health NHS Trust

    Fornece serviços de saúde para pessoas que vivem no sudeste de Londres. Encontre os serviços oferecidos aqui..  

  • BHA for Equality

    Fornece informações e conselhos para comunidades BME, jovens e homens gays e bissexuais sobre saúde sexual, bem como prevenção e tratamento do HIV.

  • South West London Law Centres

    Fornece aconselhamento jurídico gratuito e independente sobre questões de justiça social, incluindo habitação, emprego, dívida, benefícios e asilo para pessoas na área do Sudoeste de Londres.

  • Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network

    Aconselhamento de imigração gratuito e confidencial e aconselhamento sobre benefícios de habitação e bem-estar. 

  • Voices in Exile

    Apoia refugiados, requerentes de asilo e migrantes vulneráveis sem recurso a fundos públicos em East e West Sussex e Surrey. Eles oferecem suporte prático e jurídico, acompanham e permitem que as pessoas acessem os serviços e as ajudam a desenvolver as habilidades necessárias para se integrar no Reino Unido.  

  • Migrant Voice

    Treinando, fazendo campanha e servindo como voz para as necessidades e preocupações dos migrantes.

  • City of Sanctuary

    Trabalha em estreita parceria com as principais organizações de refugiados para apoiar iniciativas de defesa e campanha.

  • Exiled Writers Ink

    Apoia o trabalho de escritores exilados, refugiados e migrantes através de oportunidades de publicação, emprego criativo, performances e workshops.

  • We Belong

    We Belong é uma organização liderada por jovens migrantes, que faz campanha pelos direitos dos jovens migrantes. Eles também fornecem aconselhamento, apoio e treinamento para jovens agentes de mudança para afetar a mudança na sociedade.

  • The Maya Centre

    Fornece serviços de aconselhamento gratuito para mulheres que sofreram problemas de saúde mental, trauma e violência baseada em gênero, incluindo violência doméstica, abuso físico ou abuso sexual na infância e práticas tradicionais prejudiciais.

  • Ubuntu Counselling Services Ltd

    Oferece aconselhamento multicultural, apoio prático e educação para todas as comunidades em Devon e população em geral. Os serviços podem ser oferecidos na língua materna de uma pessoa.

  • Solace

    Fornece psicoterapia e apoio aos sobreviventes de perseguição e exílio que vivem na região de Yorkshire e Humber.

  • Room to Heal

    Oferece apoio de longo prazo, prático e terapêutico, a pessoas que sofreram tortura e violência organizada para reconstruir suas vidas no exílio.

  • Vietnamese Mental Health Services

    Fornece serviços para pessoas do Vietnã com dificuldades de saúde mental e suas famílias que vivem no Reino Unido.

  • Black & Asian Therapists Network (BAATN)

    Apoia pessoas que se identificam como negras, africanas, sul-asiáticas e caribenhas e são afetadas pela opressão devido à cor de sua pele. Eles fornecem terapia e educação terapêutica, juntamente com treinamento em psicoterapia.

  • Nafsiyat

    Oferece serviços de psicoterapia e aconselhamento em mais de 20 idiomas para pessoas de diversas comunidades religiosas, culturais e étnicas em Londres.

  • Positive Action For Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS)

    Apoia os requerentes de asilo que são indigentes ou em risco de miséria, não têm acesso a habitação ou benefícios e não têm permissão para trabalhar. Eles fornecem intervenção em crises de emergência, aconselhamento sobre imigração e apoio à saúde mental.

  • Unseen UK

    Oferece casas seguras para até 10 mulheres sobreviventes da escravidão moderna e do tráfico de pessoas. Os sobreviventes permanecem por uma média de 90 dias e recebem cuidados e tratamentos médicos contínuos, aconselhamento para traumas, aconselhamento e assistência jurídica, assistência financeira, etc.

  • Breaking Barriers

    Ajuda os refugiados em Londres a adquirir conhecimento, confiança e experiência para conseguir um emprego estável e satisfatório.

  • NEWway Project

    Oferece apoio aos sem-abrigo ou alojados em situação de vulnerabilidade.

  • West London Welcome

    Apoia os migrantes em Waltham Forest e promove a sua integração no Reino Unido. Também trabalha para desafiar estereótipos negativos associados a migrantes no discurso político e midiático.

  • Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

    Apoia refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Leeds que enfrentam dificuldades de qualquer tipo. Também aumenta a conscientização sobre os problemas que eles enfrentam.

  • Unity Centre Glasgow

    Dá apoio prático e solidariedade a todos os requerentes de asilo e outros migrantes na Escócia. Eles também apoiam qualquer pessoa detida em qualquer Centro de Detenção do Reino Unido.

  • Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)

    Apoia refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Kent por meio de educação e habilidades de vida independente, trabalho de advocacia e campanhas de conscientização.

  • The Congolese Association of Merseyside (CAM)

    Aborda o dilema social das comunidades marginalizadas (refugiados de língua francesa, requerentes de asilo e outros migrantes) que enfrentam a exclusão social devido às barreiras linguísticas.

  • Migrant Help UK

    Oferece ajuda e apoio a requerentes de asilo, refugiados e vítimas de escravidão e tráfico de seres humanos.

  • Oasis Cardiff

    Ajuda os refugiados e requerentes de asilo a integrarem-se na sua comunidade local. 

  • Africa Advocacy Foundation

    Organização liderada pela comunidade empoderando a diáspora e as comunidades marginalizadas com as ferramentas e recursos para encontrar saúde e prosperidade.

  • Healthwatch Southwark

    Ajude os moradores de Southwark a acessar serviços de saúde e assistência social com base em suas necessidades e experiências.

  • Refugee Survival Trust

    Fornece apoio prático a refugiados vulneráveis e requerentes de asilo.

  • Social Workers Without Borders

    Realiza Avaliações de Melhores Interesses e Direitos Humanos em que indivíduos enfrentam detenção, remoção ou deportação. Eles também apoiam pessoas em processo de asilo, ou que tenham status de imigração irregular, para acessar os serviços de que precisam.

  • Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum

    Oferece conselhos práticos, informações, apoio e amizade, e também faz campanha sobre questões que afetam refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Nottingham e Nottinghamshire.

  • Doctors of the World UK

    Ajuda gratuita e confidencial para aceder aos cuidados de saúde.

  • Maternity Care Access Advice Service

    Serviço de aconselhamento para mulheres migrantes que procuram cuidados de maternidade através do SNS.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Are entitled to social welfare benefits and automatically insured against illness once they register as asylum seekers. After a removal order however, they are excluded from social assistance. They may access all necessary medical and dental care, which includes both basic and emergency care.


Have access to health insurance, similarly to nationals. 

Migrantes indocumentados Can access basic health insurance and if employed, they may also receive additional benefits through work. Services include primary care, secondary care, reproductive care, therapy, etc. Insurance companies are obliged to accept everyone, as long as they have resided there for at least 3 months. In order to register with an insurance company to take out basic health insurance, applicants have to provide their full name, date of birth, a contact address and a  bank  or post account (bank  account  holder  must  not  necessarily  be  the  person  insured).  In  case  the  applicant’s residence  is  not  formally  registered,  the  actual  domicile  is  to  be  considered as the place  of residence.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free in certain places and usually for people with limited to no financial resources, as well as vulnerable populations such as migrants or sex workers. Anonymous in hospitals. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV.

Tratamento: Free for those who have private health insurance, which is normally paid via insurance premiums.  Financial assistance is available for those in need to cover a portion of insurance premiums.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Adults are entitled to emergency healthcare and dental care. They are also entitled to health check-ups upon arrival in Sweden, maternal care and assistance during delivery, contraceptive advice, abortion, treatment of infectious diseases and any other treatment that cannot wait. Each visit to the doctor costs 50 SEK and every prescribed medication is an additional 50 SEK. It is essential to prove the right to medical care by showing an LMA-card (which proves status as an asylum seeker waiting for a decision). Children and young people under 18 seeking asylum are entitled to the same healthcare and dental care rights as children who are residents in Sweden.


Refugees with a residence permit have the same access to health care as any person living in Sweden.

Migrantes indocumentados Can only access emergency care. They have to pay the full cost of any treatment and medicine they receive. They can obtain free medical care and psychological support through non-governmental organisations such as Doctors Without Borders (MSF) or Doctors of the World. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free for all. Confidential and anonymous, as long as the test is not positive. In the event that the test is positive, migrants have to register with their local hospitals in order to get treatment, in which case their identity is revealed. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Treatment is free for all.

Procure apoio

  • Rosengrenska Stiftelsen

    Rede voluntária de profissionais de saúde em Gotemburgo, oferecendo atendimento aos indocumentados.

  • RFSL

    Federação Sueca para Direitos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Transgêneros, Queer e Intersexuais. Possui uma unidade de apoio à vítima de crime, uma unidade educacional e certificadora e uma unidade que trabalha exclusivamente com assuntos relacionados ao HIV e saúde.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo  Have the right to urgent medical care which includes emergency medical assistance, emergency rescue services, emergency dental assistance and emergency treatment based on the decision of the treating physician. Asylum-seeking children and students up to the age of 26 are entitled to healthcare to the same extent as other children in Slovenia who are insured as family members, which means they enjoy full medical coverage. Women can also access specific reproductive healthcare and all asylum seekers have a right to a translator when they go to a physician.

Refugiados Are entitled to compulsory health insurance, which covers healthcare costs entirely. If the illness or injury occurs to a refugee who is not employed, the Office for Immigration and Refugees covers the expenses.

Migrantes indocumentados Can access emergency care free of charge. For non-urgent medical care, undocumented migrants have to pay themselves. They may also access primary and secondary health care in return for full payment. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free for everyone with health insurance. Free HIV testing for those without health insurance can be received at the clinic of infectious diseases in Ljubljana. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Free for those who are insured.

Procure apoio

  • Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs (PIC)

    Oferece aconselhamento jurídico e informação a refugiados e migrantes sobre como gerir o seu estatuto, proteção e acesso a direitos sociais, económicos e outros.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Have the same rights and obligations in public health insurance as citizens of the Slovak Republic. Medical care for asylum seekers is covered by the state.

Refugiados Are entitled to medical health insurance, which grants them the same rights as nationals. For refugees that are uninsured, the state shall pay their health insurance premiums.

Migrantes indocumentados Can access emergency care free of charge. They may also access primary and secondary care in return for payment of the full cost.within the framework of detention centres.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Testing is free for all. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: There are 3 clinical treatment centres in Slovakia (Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Košice).

Procure apoio

  • Human Rights League, Slovakia

    Oferece assistência jurídica gratuita a refugiados e migrantes na Eslováquia, no que diz respeito à migração, asilo e política de integração. Também oferece ajuda em assuntos relacionados ao direito de família e trabalhista. 

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Access to healthcare for asylum seekers covers the right to receive free primary care and appropriate treatment, emergency hospital care and free healthcare and treatment in cases of acute or chronic illnesses considered imminently life threatening through the national emergency healthcare system and qualified first aid. Asylum seekers have the right to be included in national public health programmes aimed at preventing, monitoring and controlling contagious diseases in epidemiological risk situations. They may also benefit from the same rights and benefits as nationals once they are assigned a personal identification number.

Refugiados Refugees with residence in Romania are obliged to have social insurance, to which their employers contribute an amount specifically intended for health insurance purposes. Refugees who pay their medical insurance are to benefit from free national health care. They may also access financial assistance or free basic healthcare through the UNHCR.

Migrantes indocumentados Have access to medical care and services free of charge within the framework of detention centres.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free for those with health insurance. People who are uninsured will have to pay 15 Euro (50 RON). Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV.

Tratamento: Free for those with health insurance.

Procure apoio

  • JRS Romania

    Oferece assistência holística: social, educacional, médica, jurídica, financeira e de hospedagem. Também oferece cursos de língua romena e realiza atividades culturais e recreativas.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo

Asylum seekers and their family members are entitled to healthcare provided by the National Health System. 

Access to healthcare encompasses medical care and medication and is available from the moment the asylum seeker applies for asylum. Asylum seekers have access to the SNS free of charge for emergency healthcare, including diagnosis and treatment, for primary healthcare and assistance with medicines. This will be provided by the health services of their residence area. They are entitled to healthcare until a final decision rejecting their asylum application unless additional care is required by the medical condition of the applicant. Asylum seekers detained at the border do not qualify for this. They can however cooperate with public entities and/or private non-profit organisations to ensure the provision of healthcare services.

Refugiados Have the right to medical assistance, medicines for basic health needs and for emergency and primary healthcare at the same level as Portuguese citizens.

Migrantes indocumentados Have the right to receive healthcare for no or a moderate fee. Access involves an administrative procedure and is subject to a prerequisite involving the period of stay.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free for all. Testing is anonymous and confidential. However, identification is generally asked for after a positive HIV result. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Free for insured people.

Procure apoio

  • Gat

    Defende mudanças legais e políticas que afetem positivamente a saúde, os direitos e a qualidade de vida das pessoas que vivem ou correm o risco de se infectar com HIV e AIDS, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, hepatites virais e tuberculose.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Have access to free health insurance and legal and psychological support. Access to healthcare for asylum seekers is guaranteed in the law under the same conditions as for Polish nationals who have health insurance. This includes treatment for persons accessing mental healthcare.

Refugiados Recognized refugees have access to national healthcare and the obligatory insurance scheme on the same terms as permanent residents and nationals. Persons registered as unemployed under the Law on Employment and Countering Unemployment are also covered by the Universal Health Insurance Act. However, persons who have never been legally employed in Poland, such as newly recognized refugees, do not benefit from national medical insurance coverage, which only applies to employed or formerly employed persons. They can only receive free medical care if it is under hospital emergency procedures.

Migrantes indocumentados Can access emergency care free of charge. They may also access primary and secondary care in return for payment of the full cost.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free and anonymous for all. Testing is available at 32 VCT (voluntary counselling and testing) centres across Poland. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Treatment is available for those that are insured. For more information on where to obtain treatment, see

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We will update this as organisations join us.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Asylum seekers have access to state medical care. This includes emergency healthcare and essential treatment of illness and serious mental disorders.

Refugiados Refugees have access to state medical services free of charge. They have equal rights compared with Maltese citizens and are entitled to all the benefits and assistance to which Maltese citizens are entitled to under the Maltese Social Security Act. 

Migrantes indocumentados Undocumented migrants have the right to state medical care and services free of charge within the framework of detention centres.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free for all, although private hospitals may sometimes charge a fee. It is anonymous, but if results are positive, the person has to be registered in order to get treatment. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Free for all, except for undocumented migrants.

Procure apoio

  • Aditus Foundation

    Fornece cuidados e serviços de prevenção relacionados a questões LGBT, HIV/AIDS, Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis e Saúde Sexual para pessoas no Centro-Oeste da Irlanda.

  • Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta)

    Kopin é uma ONG que trabalha na Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento, Educação Global, Direitos Humanos e Migração.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo The COA is responsible for the provision of health care in the reception centres. As any other person in the Netherlands, an asylum seeker can visit a general practitioner, midwife or hospital to access to basic healthcare. This includes hospitalisation, consultations with a general practitioner, physiotherapy, urgent dental care and consultations with a psychologist. Rejected asylum seekers only have access to emergency health care and have to seek care providers who help irregular migrants in order to have their costs covered.

Refugiados All refugee children who arrive in the Netherlands undergo a medical examination by the Municipal Health Service (MHS). This is usually done within six weeks. When receiving healthcare, all refugees have the right to a free interpreter, even if they are only in the Netherlands for a few days.

Migrantes indocumentados The government pays providers for undocumented migrant care at 80% of normal fees for costs that cannot be recovered from the patient. They can access a full range of services provided in the public system.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free at STI clinics, but only for high-risk groups such as MSM, persons originating from STI/HIV endemic areas, etc. For other groups, testing costs are reimbursed by mandatory health insurances, although the first 385 euros of healthcare costs per year are paid by patients. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Free for some. Generally, the first 385 euros of healthcare costs per year are paid by patients. Asylum seekers and those with limited finances can get reimbursed, as well as healthcare providers who provide services for undocumented migrants who are unable to pay.

Procure apoio

  • De Fabel van de illegaal

    Oferece apoio jurídico e assistência médica (psicológica, médica, maternidade, etc) para imigrantes indocumentados.

  • Stichting GAST

    A Fundação Gast ajuda os requerentes de asilo que vivem em circunstâncias difíceis em Nijmegen e arredores. Esses refugiados esgotaram todos os recursos legais, mas não podem ou não se atrevem a retornar. A Gast Foundation oferece-lhes abrigo, subsídio de subsistência e a oportunidade de se tornarem economicamente independentes.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Have access to health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.

Refugiados Beneficiaries of international protection will have access to social benefits, housing, education and health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.

Migrantes indocumentados Have the right to access emergency care, provided they are affiliated with insurance via employment or privately.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Confidential and free in certain places. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV.

Tratamento: Free for all who possess health insurance. For those who do not, special help may be given by the Health Ministry.

Procure apoio

We will update this as organisations join us.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo During the asylum application processing period (3 months), asylum seekers have the right to receive free of charge emergency medical assistance and social services at the Aliens’ Registration Centre or Refugees’ Reception Centre.

Refugiados Can access free healthcare provided by the Lithuanian state during their period of integration. During the period of integration, refugees are insured with compulsory health insurance from funds allocated for integration. After the integration is over, general health insurance rules apply. Refugees that are employed are insured with compulsory health insurance with employer’s funds, those engaged in individual activities cover insurance by themselves, while those registered at labour exchange are insured with State funds.

Migrantes indocumentados Can access emergency care free of charge. They may access primary and secondary care in return for payment of the full cost.  

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free only for pregnant women, prisoners, blood and organ donors and other vulnerable groups. It is done via NGOs and is confidential. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Free for all, although access is limited for those in prison.

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We will update this as organisations join us.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo The Government is responsible for the care, including the provision of economic, medical and psychosocial care, of asylum seekers and persons in temporary protection. They are entitled to compulsory health insurance to the same level as nationals in Liechtenstein. Under certain conditions, the costs for additional dental treatments, which are not covered by the compulsory health insurance, are paid.

Refugiados Can obtain medically necessary treatment by presenting the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) whilst in Liechtenstein. Medically necessary treatment refers to treatment that cannot wait, such as in the case of an acute illness, an accident, pregnancy, childbirth or chronic illness. Anyone with the card is entitled to the same rights as locals. There is only one hospital in Liechtenstein, which is located in Vaduz. You can receive hospital treatment if you have a doctor’s referral. Additionally, you must present your EHIC card and ID at the hospital.

Migrantes indocumentados Are not entitled to healthcare in Liechtenstein but may seek help among NGOs. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Use the European test finder to see where to get tested for HIV. 

Tratamento: N/A

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We will update this as organisations join us.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo Asylum seekers are exempt from health service charges in Latvia, including co-payment for prescription medicines. They can also access dental care free of charge.

Refugiados Refugees lawfully staying in Latvia are entitled to the same health care benefits as nationals. This includes mental healthcare and treatment for people with special needs, such as pregnant women. Medical services are financed from the state budget and co-financed by patients. Children, pregnant women, women in the post-delivery period of up to 42 days, persons who have been politically repressed, persons with psychiatric disorders and persons receiving emergency medical care can receive healthcare free of charge.

Migrantes indocumentados Can only access emergency medical care. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV


Testing is free for risk groups (e.g. sex workers, young people, MSM). For other groups, it is free and anonymous at 17 HIV prevention stations across Latvia. In case a positive result has been confirmed, the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) has to inform a general practitioner and report it to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC). Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Treatment is only free for Latvian citizens.

Procure apoio

  • Shelter Safe House

    Oferece apoio às vítimas de tráfico de seres humanos, imigrantes legais, incluindo requerentes de asilo, refugiados e pessoas com status de proteção subsidiária. Oferece formação, bem como serviços de reabilitação e integração.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Healthcare rights of migrants

Requerentes de asilo  Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection are required to register with the National Health Service and enjoy equal treatment with Italian citizens through insurance provided by the NHS. This includes those out of reception. Medical assistance is extended to each regularly resident family member under the applicant’s care in Italy and is recognised for newborn babies of parents registered with the National Health System. The right to medical assistance should not expire in the process of the renewal of the permit of stay. However, asylum seekers with an expired permit of stay have no guarantee of access to non-urgent sanitary treatments. 

Refugiados Are entitled to free healthcare and can enjoy the same benefits as nationals.

Migrantes indocumentados Can apply to a local national health service office for a temporary (six-month) health card. Through this health card they are entitled to urgent care, essential care, preventive care including maternity care and the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free in certain places. Private laboratories charge a fee and certain hospitals may require co-payments. Tests are anonymous. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento:  Free for all, although treatment is low and not available for those in who and when to treat. Undocumented people may sometimes be excluded.

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


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