Verein Begegnung Arcobaleno | Áustria |
Centro de Aconselhamento FAIR, Volkshilfe | Áustria |
Flüchtlingsprojekt Ute Bock | Áustria |
Plattform Asyl – Für Menschen Rechte | Áustria |
Association pour le Droit des Ėtrangers (ADDE Asbl) | Bélgica |
Medimmigrant | Bélgica |
CLA Voice in Bulgaria | Bulgária |
Caritas Cyprus | Chipre |
Organisation for Aid to Refugees (OPU) | República Checa |
Organization of International Medical Graduates “Doctor Chekhov” | República Checa |
Poradna pro Integraci | República Checa |
Humanitas Afrika o.p.s. | República Checa |
Diakonie CCE SCPS | República Checa |
La Strada ČR | República Checa |
Caritas Czech Republic | República Checa |
Agency for Migration and Adaptation, zs. | República Checa |
Most Pro o.p.s. | República Checa |
LGBT+Denmark | Dinamarca |
LGBT Asylum | Dinamarca |
Danish Refugee Council | Dinamarca |
Migrant Tales | Finlândia |
ADSF (Agir pour la Santé des Femmes) | França |
Conseil Départemental de Seine-Saint-Denis | França |
Actions Traitements | França |
Association PASTT | França |
Oppelia Essonne | França |
Aremedia | França |
SIS Association | França |
Groupe Migrant SPILF / SFLS (Santé) | França |
Utopia 56 | França |
Jugendliche Ohne Grenzen | Alemanha |
Münchner Flüchtlingsrat | Alemanha |
KOK German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings | Alemanha |
Afrikaherz, VIA-Regionalverband Berlin/Brandenburg e.V. | Alemanha |
DAFA e.V-Deutsch-Afrikanischer Frauenaustausch | Alemanha |
GEDA e.V | Alemanha |
CRIG e.V | Alemanha |
Haus Afrika e.V | Alemanha |
Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland | Alemanha |
Fixpunkt e.V | Alemanha |
I Have Rights | Alemanha |
METAdrasi | Grécia |
Red Umbrella Athens | Grécia |
GIVMED | Grécia |
Greek Forum of Migrants | Grécia |
SolidarityNow | Grécia |
Odyssea | Grécia |
Positive Voice | Grécia |
Velos Youth | Grécia |
Syrian American Medical Society Organization | Grécia |
Social Kitchen (The Other Human) | Grécia |
Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity | Grécia |
Fenix (Humanitarian Legal Aid) | Grécia |
CHEERing (Center for Health Equity, Education and Research, International Group) | Grécia |
Spirasi | Irlanda |
GOSHH (Gender Orientation Sexual Health & HIV) | Irlanda |
Mediterranean Hope (Migrant and Refugee Program of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy) | Itália |
Lasciatecientrare | Itália |
Shelter Safe House | Letônia |
Aditus Foundation | Malta |
Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali) | Malta |
Stichting GAST | Holanda |
De Fabel van de Illegaal | Holanda |
The Inter-African Committee in Norway (IAC Norway) | Noruega |
African Health and Social Development Organization | Noruega |
Gat | Portugal |
JRS Romania | Romênia |
Human Rights League | Eslováquia |
Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs (PIC) | Eslovênia |
RFSL | Suécia |
Rosengrenska Stiftelsen | Suécia |
Solinetz Zürich | Suíça |
Maternity Care Access Advice Service | Reino Unido |
Doctors of the World UK | Reino Unido |
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum | Reino Unido |
Migrant Help UK | Reino Unido |
Oasis Cardiff | Reino Unido |
Unseen UK | Reino Unido |
We Belong | Reino Unido |
Nafsiyat | Reino Unido |
Exiled Writers Ink | Reino Unido |
Social Workers Without Borders | Reino Unido |
BAATN | Reino Unido |
The Congolese Association of Merseyside (CAM) | Reino Unido |
Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) | Reino Unido |
Vietnamese Mental Health Services | Reino Unido |
Room to Heal | Reino Unido |
Voices in Exile | Reino Unido |
Solace | Reino Unido |
Ubuntu Counselling Services Ltd | Reino Unido |
Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS) | Reino Unido |
Unity Centre Glasgow | Reino Unido |
City of Sanctuary | Reino Unido |
Refugee Survival Trust | Reino Unido |
Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network | Reino Unido |
West London Welcome | Reino Unido |
NEWway Project | Reino Unido |
Breaking Barriers | Reino Unido |
Healthwatch Southwark | Reino Unido |
Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network | Reino Unido |
Migrants Organise | Reino Unido |
The Maya Centre | Reino Unido |
South West London Law Centres | Reino Unido |
Helen Bamber Foundation | Reino Unido |
Migrant Voice | Reino Unido |
Bart’s Health NHS Trust | Reino Unido |
BHA for Equality | Reino Unido |