Droits de santé des migrants
Demandeurs d’asile Are entitled to social welfare benefits and automatically insured against illness once they register as asylum seekers. After a removal order however, they are excluded from social assistance. They may access all necessary medical and dental care, which includes both basic and emergency care.
Have access to health insurance, similarly to nationals.
Migrants sans papiers: Can access basic health insurance and if employed, they may also receive additional benefits through work. Services include primary care, secondary care, reproductive care, therapy, etc. Insurance companies are obliged to accept everyone, as long as they have resided there for at least 3 months. In order to register with an insurance company to take out basic health insurance, applicants have to provide their full name, date of birth, a contact address and a bank or post account (bank account holder must not necessarily be the person insured). In case the applicant’s residence is not formally registered, the actual domicile is to be considered as the place of residence.
Dépistage et traitement du VIH
Dépistage VIH/SIDA: Free in certain places and usually for people with limited to no financial resources, as well as vulnerable populations such as migrants or sex workers. Anonymous in hospitals. Use the European test finder pour voir où vous pouvez vous faire tester pour le VIH.
Traitement: Free for those who have private health insurance, which is normally paid via insurance premiums. Financial assistance is available for those in need to cover a portion of insurance premiums.
Trouver de l’aide
Solinetz Zürich
Campagnes pour la dignité et les droits des personnes qui cherchent refuge en Suisse par nécessité politique ou existentielle.
- +41 442 91 96 94
- info@solinetz.ch
- https://solinetz-zh.ch/
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