Droits de santé des migrants
Demandeurs d’asile The COA is responsible for the provision of health care in the reception centres. As any other person in the Netherlands, an asylum seeker can visit a general practitioner, midwife or hospital to access to basic healthcare. This includes hospitalisation, consultations with a general practitioner, physiotherapy, urgent dental care and consultations with a psychologist. Rejected asylum seekers only have access to emergency health care and have to seek care providers who help irregular migrants in order to have their costs covered.
Réfugiés: All refugee children who arrive in the Netherlands undergo a medical examination by the Municipal Health Service (MHS). This is usually done within six weeks. When receiving healthcare, all refugees have the right to a free interpreter, even if they are only in the Netherlands for a few days.
Migrants sans papiers: The government pays providers for undocumented migrant care at 80% of normal fees for costs that cannot be recovered from the patient. They can access a full range of services provided in the public system.
Dépistage et traitement du VIH
Dépistage VIH/SIDA: Free at STI clinics, but only for high-risk groups such as MSM, persons originating from STI/HIV endemic areas, etc. For other groups, testing costs are reimbursed by mandatory health insurances, although the first 385 euros of healthcare costs per year are paid by patients. Use the European test finder pour voir où vous pouvez vous faire tester pour le VIH.
Traitement: Free for some. Generally, the first 385 euros of healthcare costs per year are paid by patients. Asylum seekers and those with limited finances can get reimbursed, as well as healthcare providers who provide services for undocumented migrants who are unable to pay.
Trouver de l’aide
De Fabel van de illegaal
Offre un soutien juridique et une assistance médicale (psychologique, médicale, maternité, etc.) aux sans-papiers.
- +31 715 127 619
- info@defabel.eu
- https://defabel.eu/
Stichting GAST
La Fondation Gast aide les demandeurs d'asile qui vivent dans des conditions difficiles à Nimègue et dans les environs. Ces réfugiés ont épuisé tous les recours légaux, mais ne peuvent pas ou n'osent pas rentrer. La Fondation Gast leur offre un logement, une allocation de subsistance et la possibilité de devenir économiquement indépendante.
- +31 243 294 250
- info@stichtinggast.nl
- https://www.stichtinggast.nl/nl/
Téléchargements de documents
L'injustice n'importe où est une menace pour la justice partoutDr. Martin Luther King Jr