LettonieLast updated: janvier 17th, 2024

Droits de santé des migrants

Demandeurs d’asile Asylum seekers are exempt from health service charges in Latvia, including co-payment for prescription medicines. They can also access dental care free of charge.

Réfugiés: Refugees lawfully staying in Latvia are entitled to the same health care benefits as nationals. This includes mental healthcare and treatment for people with special needs, such as pregnant women. Medical services are financed from the state budget and co-financed by patients. Children, pregnant women, women in the post-delivery period of up to 42 days, persons who have been politically repressed, persons with psychiatric disorders and persons receiving emergency medical care can receive healthcare free of charge.

Migrants sans papiers: Can only access emergency medical care. 

Dépistage et traitement du VIH

Dépistage VIH/SIDA: 

Testing is free for risk groups (e.g. sex workers, young people, MSM). For other groups, it is free and anonymous at 17 HIV prevention stations across Latvia. In case a positive result has been confirmed, the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) has to inform a general practitioner and report it to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC). Use the European test finder pour voir où vous pouvez vous faire tester pour le VIH. 

Traitement: Treatment is only free for Latvian citizens.

Trouver de l’aide

  • Shelter Safe House

    Offre un soutien aux victimes de la traite des êtres humains, aux immigrés légaux, y compris les demandeurs d'asile, les réfugiés et les personnes bénéficiant du statut de protection subsidiaire. Offre de la formation ainsi que des services de réadaptation et d'intégration.

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