IrlandeLast updated: janvier 16th, 2024


Droits de santé des migrants

Demandeurs d’asile Access to healthcare is free for protection applicants living in Direct Provision. Asylum seekers must apply for a medical card which allows them to attend local doctors or general practitioners located in the Direct Provision accommodation centres. This card entitles them to prescribed drugs and medicines and their status as applicants living in Direct Provision makes them exempt from paying prescription charges levied on medical card holders. Specialised treatment for trauma and victims of torture is available through an NGO called SPIRASI.

Réfugiés: Refugees receive the same medical services that they did as asylum seekers as there is no difference in the provision for asylum seekers and people with refugee status, subsidiary protection or permission to remain.

Migrants sans papiers: Undocumented migrants can access emergency care for a fee. 

Dépistage et traitement du VIH

Dépistage VIH/SIDA: Free access for all in clinics and NGOs only. Hospital consultants and GPSs in private practice charge a fee. Use the European test finder pour voir où vous pouvez vous faire tester pour le VIH. 

Traitement:  Free for all. However, clinicians decide who and when to treat. Undocumented people may sometimes be excluded.

Trouver de l’aide

  • Spirasi

    Spirasi (Spiritan Asylum Services Initiative) est le centre national pour la réhabilitation des victimes de la torture en Irlande.

  • GOSHH (Gender Orientation Sexual Health & HIV)

    Fournit des services de soins et de prévention liés aux questions LGBT, au VIH/sida, aux infections sexuellement transmissibles et à la santé sexuelle aux personnes du Midwest de l'Irlande.

Si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez, n'hésitez pas à nous le demander..

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L'injustice n'importe où est une menace pour la justice partoutDr. Martin Luther King Jr

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