Introducing the Mi-Health Team: Get to know us!
Posted: 13th octobre 2021

Denis Onyango
Denis is the Programmes Director at Africa Advocacy Foundation. He has over 20 years experience of grassroots community health promotion work focusing on HIV/STIs prevention, testing and treatment access within marginalised and underserved communities, primarily black migrant communities across Europe He has served on a number of advisory boards including WHO RCC on HIV, Hepatitis and TB, NHS England CRG on PrEP, UK HIV Commission, He is passionate about improving health service provision for Europe’s most underserved communities, including LGTBI, homeless, migrants, people who inject drugs, sex workers and prisoners. Denis’ background is in education, voluntary sector management, policy and public health.
For Denis, Mi-Health Europe means that we can finally involve migrant communities who are underserved or barred from accessing healthcare by unjust laws and practices in conversations and campaigns to ensure healthy equity.
Anne Flaherty-Gupta
Anne Flaherty-Gupta is a social worker with over 10 years experience providing direct services and developing and managing programmes in both clinical and community settings. Originally from the United States, she has mainly worked with adults who have experienced and/or committed interpersonal and community violence and who are re-entering the community after incarceration. She holds a Masters in Social Work with a concentration in Mental Health and a Certificate in Violence Studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago and has provided individual and group therapy to migrant and criminal legal system-involved teens and adults in Chicago. A licensed social worker in the US and a registered social worker in England, she now resides in London with her husband.
One of the aspects of Mi-Health that Anne thinks is so impactful and unique is that it helps re-balance power — both by putting knowledge of one’s rights and resources into the hands of those who need it and by providing a platform for frontline organisations to pool knowledge and practice.
Juliette Emmanuel
Juliette Emmanuel is originally from the Republic of the Congo, and has been a part of the Mi-Health team since January 2021. She holds a B.A. in Political Science, French Literature and Race and Ethnic Studies from St. Olaf College, in Minnesota, along with a Master of Laws in International Criminal Justice and Human Rights Law from the University of Kent. Juliette has worked and volunteered with several NGOs from across the globe, advocating for the rights of vulnerable and underrepresented groups. Some of her relevant experience includes working with the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota and lobbying in favour of laws that protect and advance the rights of migrant communities in the state of Minnesota. She has also acquired knowledge and experience in providing support for victims of gender-based violence and assisted survivors of sexual trafficking in their rehabilitation journey.
Juliette believes that the Mi-Health mission is so empowering because by equipping migrants with all the right tools, knowledge and resources, it gives them a chance to lead autonomous lives and integrate more confidently into their new country.