Direitos de saúde dos migrantes
Asylum seekers: Have access to free health insurance and legal and psychological support. Access to healthcare for asylum seekers is guaranteed in the law under the same conditions as for Polish nationals who have health insurance. This includes treatment for persons accessing mental healthcare.
Refugiados: Recognized refugees have access to national healthcare and the obligatory insurance scheme on the same terms as permanent residents and nationals. Persons registered as unemployed under the Law on Employment and Countering Unemployment are also covered by the Universal Health Insurance Act. However, persons who have never been legally employed in Poland, such as newly recognized refugees, do not benefit from national medical insurance coverage, which only applies to employed or formerly employed persons. They can only receive free medical care if it is under hospital emergency procedures.
Imigrantes indocumentados: Podem aceder gratuitamente aos cuidados de emergência. Eles também podem acessar os cuidados primários e secundários em troca do pagamento do custo total.
Teste e tratamento do HIV
Teste: Free and anonymous for all. Testing is available at 32 VCT (voluntary counselling and testing) centres across Poland. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV.
Tratamento: Treatment is available for those that are insured. For more information on where to obtain treatment, see hivtravel.org.
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De todas as formas de desigualdade, a injustiça na saúde é a mais chocante e a mais desumana.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.