IrlandaLast updated: enero 16th, 2024

Principais populações migrantes

Direitos de saúde dos migrantes

Asylum seekers: Access to healthcare is free for protection applicants living in Direct Provision. Asylum seekers must apply for a medical card which allows them to attend local doctors or general practitioners located in the Direct Provision accommodation centres. This card entitles them to prescribed drugs and medicines and their status as applicants living in Direct Provision makes them exempt from paying prescription charges levied on medical card holders. Specialised treatment for trauma and victims of torture is available through an NGO called SPIRASI.

Refugiados: Refugees receive the same medical services that they did as asylum seekers as there is no difference in the provision for asylum seekers and people with refugee status, subsidiary protection or permission to remain.

Imigrantes indocumentados: Undocumented migrants can access emergency care for a fee. 

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Free access for all in clinics and NGOs only. Hospital consultants and GPSs in private practice charge a fee. Use the European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento:  Free for all. However, clinicians decide who and when to treat. Undocumented people may sometimes be excluded.

Buscar ayuda

  • Spirasi

    Spirasi (Spiritan Asylum Services Initiative) es el centro nacional para la rehabilitación de víctimas de tortura en Irlanda.

  • GOSHH (Gender Orientation Sexual Health & HIV)

    Brinda servicios de atención y prevención relacionados con LGBT, VIH/SIDA, infecciones de transmisión sexual y problemas de salud sexual a personas en el medio oeste de Irlanda.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, ask us a question by email.

De todas as formas de desigualdade, a injustiça na saúde é a mais chocante e a mais desumana.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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