DinamarcaLast updated: enero 16th, 2024

Direitos de saúde dos migrantes

Asylum seekers: Podem receber serviços primários básicos e serviços hospitalares de emergência. Os requerentes de asilo devem solicitar tratamento especializado para doenças crônicas dolorosas e com risco de vida, que são financiados pelo Serviço de Imigração Dinamarquês.

Refugiados: Têm direito a acesso gratuito aos cuidados de saúde se estiverem registados como residentes há mais de seis semanas. Crianças menores de 16 anos são cobertas pela mesma forma de cobertura que seus pais. 

Imigrantes indocumentados:  Can access emergency care free of charge, which is covered by the Danish Immigration Service. They may in some circumstances access primary and secondary care in return for payment of the full cost.  They may enquire at one of the asylum centres or at the Danish Immigration Service when in need of treatment.

Teste e tratamento do HIV

Teste: Gratuito e confidencial para todos. O teste está disponível em clínicas, hospitais ou com médicos de clínica geral. Use o aidsmap buscador europeu de testes para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. European test finder para ver onde você pode fazer o teste de HIV. 

Tratamento: Tratamento gratuito para alguns. Os migrantes indocumentados são excluídos.

Buscar ayuda

  • Hiv-Danmark

    Hiv-Danmark is the national patient organisation for people living with HIV and their relatives independently of race, ethnic origin, religious or sexual orientation.

    Our goal is to to support HIV-positive people to live the best possible lives with their diagnosis and to take responsibility for own lives.
    We support by
    – support the individual to find own resources
    – motivate to an active and social life
    – strengthen and increase personal networks
    – fight prejudice and work for openness through security and knowledge
    – secure the human and legal rights for people living with HIV
    – prevent discrimination
    – reduce prevalence through information
    – promote physical, mental, social and sexual well-being
    – inform on specific HIV-related health problems
    – exchange experiences among HIV-positive people and with other organisations in the HIV community

    We run a café at the center of Copenhagen, Kafé Knud, where everybody meet for food, info, peer-to-peer education, social arrangements and meetings for self-help groups.

  • Danish Refugee Council

    Provides assistance and protection to refugees and displaced persons, along with information about their legal rights.

  • LGBT Asylum

    Legal advice and political group working for LGBT people.

  • LGBT+ Denmark

    Works against the discrimination and provides legal advice to LGBT+ people in areas such as marriage, adoption, the artificial insemination of lesbians, and rights for trans persons.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, ask us a question by email.

De todas as formas de desigualdade, a injustiça na saúde é a mais chocante e a mais desumana.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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