Helen Bamber Foundation
23rd مايو 2022
With a specialist team of therapists, doctors and legal experts, the Helen Bamber Foundation provides care to survivors of human trafficking. This includes therapeutic care, medical consultation, legal protection, counter-trafficking support and practical support (welfare and community integration work).
Migrants Organise
23rd مايو 2022
Provides a platform for refugees and migrants to talk about various issues that affect them and organise for power, dignity and justice to enable meaningful inclusion and integration. Also provides advice and support for individuals affected by the hostile environment immigration policies.
Bart’s Health NHS Trust
23rd مايو 2022
Provides healthcare services to people living in South East London. Find services offered here.
BHA for Equality
23rd مايو 2022
Provides information and advice to BME communities, young people and gay and bisexual men on sexual health as well as HIV prevention and treatment.
South West London Law Centres
23rd مايو 2022
Provides free and independent legal advice on social justice issues, including housing, employment, debt, benefits and asylum to people in the South West London area.
Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
23rd مايو 2022
LRMN exists to empower refugees and other migrants and to bring about systemic change to remove the challenges they face. At LRMN we provide advice on immigration, housing and migrant charging, and offer hardship destitution payments. We also offer counselling and groups for women who have experienced trauma. Join our monthly Community Forum for sanctuary seekers to help us codesign campaigns to remove barriers for migrants.
Voices in Exile
23rd مايو 2022
Supports refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants with no recourse to public funds in East and West Sussex and Surrey. They offer practical and legal support, accompany and enable people to access services, and help them build skills necessary to integrate in the UK.
Migrant Voice
23rd مايو 2022
Training, campaigning and serving as a voice for migrants’ needs and concerns.
City of Sanctuary
23rd مايو 2022
Works in close partnership with major refugee organisations to support advocacy and campaigning initiatives.
Exiled Writers Ink
23rd مايو 2022
Supports the work of exiled writers, refugees, and migrants through publishing opportunities, creative employment, performances and workshops.
We Belong
23rd مايو 2022
We Belong is a migrant youth-led organisation, campaigning for the rights of young migrants. They also provide advice, support and training for young change makers to affect change in society.
The Maya Centre
23rd مايو 2022
Provides free counselling services for women who have experienced mental health issues, trauma and gender -based violence, including domestic violence, physical abuse or childhood sexual abuse and harmful traditional practices.
Ubuntu Counselling Services Ltd
23rd مايو 2022
Offers Multicultural Counselling, practical support and education for all communities across Devon and wider population. Services can be offered in a person’s mother tongue.
23rd مايو 2022
Provides psychotherapy and support to the survivors of persecution and exile living in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Room to Heal
23rd مايو 2022
Offers long-term support, practical and therapeutic, to people who have experienced torture and organised violence to rebuild their lives in exile.