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We work for sexual health from and for the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual (LGTBI+) community
We are committed to improving sexual health care and creating conditions, on a universal scale, that enable the expression of one’s sexuality without discrimination. We work for the elimination of inequalities and for the recognition and protection of the right to experience sexual orientation and gender identity of people and their diversity, based on development cooperation, humanitarian action, education and social mobilization.
We offer different free services for the LGTBI+ community:

Trabajamos por la salud sexual desde y para la comunidad lesbiana, gay, transexual y bisexual (LGTBI+)
Estamos comprometidos/as con la mejora del cuidado de la salud sexual y la creación de condiciones, a escala universal, que posibiliten la expresión de la propia sexualidad sin discriminación. Trabajamos por la eliminación de las desigualdades y por el reconocimiento y protección del derecho a la vivencia de orientación sexual e identidad de género de las personas y su diversidad, a partir de la cooperación al desarrollo, la acción humanitaria, la educación y la movilización social.
Ofrecemos diferentes servicios gratuitos para la comunidad LGTBI+:

Salud Entre Culturas

Salud Entre Culturas (SEC) is a multidisciplinary public health and migration team.


  • To inform a particularly vulnerable group, from a medical and social point of view, about the most relevant infectious diseases and thus enable them to adopt preventive behaviors and reduce stigmatizing attitudes.
  • To train NGO volunteer and professional staff to achieve effective communication in order to transmit health information to the immigrant population.
  • Promote early diagnosis of HIV and Chagas disease.
  • To train health personnel in the management of cultural diversity.
  • To offer a service of intercultural mediation and linguistic interpretation in the health field

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