سلوفينياLast updated: يناير 16th, 2024

أهم السكان المهاجرين (2020)

حقوق الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين

طالبو اللجوء  Have the right to urgent medical care which includes emergency medical assistance, emergency rescue services, emergency dental assistance and emergency treatment based on the decision of the treating physician. Asylum-seeking children and students up to the age of 26 are entitled to healthcare to the same extent as other children in Slovenia who are insured as family members, which means they enjoy full medical coverage. Women can also access specific reproductive healthcare and all asylum seekers have a right to a translator when they go to a physician.

اللاجئون: Are entitled to compulsory health insurance, which covers healthcare costs entirely. If the illness or injury occurs to a refugee who is not employed, the Office for Immigration and Refugees covers the expenses.

المهاجرون غير الموثقين: Can access emergency care free of charge. For non-urgent medical care, undocumented migrants have to pay themselves. They may also access primary and secondary health care in return for full payment. 

فحص وعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)

الفحص: Free for everyone with health insurance. Free HIV testing for those without health insurance can be received at the clinic of infectious diseases in Ljubljana. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV. 

Treatment: Free for those who are insured.

الحصول على المساعدة

  • Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs (PIC)

    Offers legal counselling and information to refugees and migrants on how to manage their status, protection and their access to social, economic and other rights.

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