حقوق الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين
طالبو اللجوء Have access to health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.
اللاجئون: Beneficiaries of international protection will have access to social benefits, housing, education and health services to the same extent as Luxembourgish nationals.
المهاجرون غير الموثقين: Have the right to access emergency care, provided they are affiliated with insurance via employment or privately.
فحص وعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)
الفحص: Confidential and free in certain places. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.
Treatment: Free for all who possess health insurance. For those who do not, special help may be given by the Health Ministry.
الحصول على المساعدة
We will update this as organisations join us.
تحميل المستندات
الظلم في أي مكان يهدد العدالة في كل مكانالدكتور مارتن لوثر كينغ جونيور.