حقوق الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين
طالبو اللجوء Can receive basic primary services and emergency hospital services. Asylum seekers required to apply for specialised treatment for life threatening and painful chronic diseases, which are financed by the Danish Immigration Service.
اللاجئون: Are entitled to free access to healthcare if they have been registered as residents for more than six weeks. Children under the age of 16 are covered by the same form of coverage as their parents.
المهاجرون غير الموثقين: Can access emergency care free of charge, which is covered by the Danish Immigration Service. They may in some circumstances access primary and secondary care in return for payment of the full cost. They may enquire at one of the asylum centres or at the Danish Immigration Service when in need of treatment.
فحص وعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)
الفحص: Free and confidential for all. Testing is available in clinics, hospitals or with general practitioners. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.
Treatment: Free treatment for some. Undocumented migrants are excluded.
الحصول على المساعدة
Danish Refugee Council
Provides assistance and protection to refugees and displaced persons, along with information about their legal rights.
- + 45 33 73 50 00
- maina.abbasi@drc.ngo
- https://drc.ngo/
LGBT Asylum
Legal advice and political group working for LGBT people.
- + 45 71 52 33 97
- info@lgbtasylum.dk
- http://www.lgbtasylum.dk/
LGBT+ Denmark
Works against the discrimination and provides legal advice to LGBT+ people in areas such as marriage, adoption, the artificial insemination of lesbians, and rights for trans persons.
- +45 33 13 19 48
- lgbt@lgbt.dk
- http://lgbt.dk/english-2/
تحميل المستندات
الظلم في أي مكان يهدد العدالة في كل مكانالدكتور مارتن لوثر كينغ جونيور.