كرواتياLast updated: يناير 16th, 2024

أهم السكان المهاجرين (2020)

حقوق الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين

طالبو اللجوء

Can only access emergency medical assistance and necessary treatment of illness and serious mental disorders. Prenatal and postnatal care are not included under emergency. Children under 18 can access the same healthcare rights as nationals. 

اللاجئون: Are entitled to comprehensive healthcare and have the same healthcare rights as Croatian citizens.

المهاجرون غير الموثقين: Can access emergency and long-term healthcare through Doctors of the World.

فحص وعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)

الفحص: Testing is free, anonymous, and available in 10 locations across the country. Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.

Treatment: Treatment is free for those who have health insurance.

الحصول على المساعدة

We will update this as organisations join us.

إذا لم تتمكن من العثور على ما تبحث عنه اسألنا..

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