حقوق الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين
طالبو اللجوء
Are entitled to the same healthcare rights as nationals. Health insurance is covered by the SAR.
اللاجئون: Are entitled to the same healthcare rights as nationals. However, upon receiving refugee status, refugees that are uninsured have to pay for their own medication.
المهاجرون غير الموثقين: Can access emergency care in return for payment of the full cost.
فحص وعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)
الفحص: Testing is free and anonymous testing for all, when done at the Regional Health Inspectorates in district cities and in the mobile units (NGOs). Use the European test finder to see where you can get tested for HIV.
Treatment: Treatment is covered, except for undocumented persons.
الحصول على المساعدة
Humans in the Loop
Humans in the Loop is an award-winning Social Enterprise which provides digital upskilling and digital work opportunities to people affected by conflict.
Foundation for Access to Rights (FAR)
The Foundation for Access to Rights – FAR is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization in the public interest, founded by attorney-at-law Valeria Ilareva in 2013. FAR laywers provide free legal aid to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in five regions in Bulgaria: Dobrich, Varna, Bourgas, Plovdiv and Sofia. Apart from the field offices, FAR provides online information and legal consultations via its platform www.refugeelight.bg. After more than 10 years of practical experience in providing legal aid to foreigners in Bulgaria, in 2023 the Foundation for Аccess to Рights – FAR created the job-matching migrantlife.bg platform as a response to the demand of employers to find workers among the migrant communities in Bulgaria, as well as the need of foreigners to be included in society and to be economically independent. FAR is a licensed labor mediator under № 3570 from 01.08.2023 under the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria.
CLA Voice in Bulgaria
Provides free legal aid for vulnerable communities who have been victims of human rights violations
- +359 298 107 79
- daskalova.diana@gmail.com
- https://www.centerforlegalaid.com/webroot/
تحميل المستندات
الظلم في أي مكان يهدد العدالة في كل مكانالدكتور مارتن لوثر كينغ جونيور.